23 maja 2018

Referendum in Ireland. The revolution is accomplished…

(fot. Artur Widak/NurPhoto via ZUMA Press/FORUM)

On 25th May, a referendum on the deletion of the amendment no. 8 to the 1937 Constitution will be held in Ireland. The amendment concerned the protection of life of those who cannot defend it by themselves. Will the third attempt to legalise the killing of the unborn be successful? Unfortunately, everything seems to indicate this.


The perception of the Green Island by Poles may result in serious dissonance when confronted with reality. Like Poles, the Irish are a Catholic nation that was also oppressed by a larger neighbour for centuries. Even 40 years ago, Catholic religion and adherence to Rome was a fully natural attitude; it is enough to say that 90 per cent of the Irish attended Mass on Sunday. Moreover, Ireland was famous for the number of male and female missionaries and… the protection of life since conception. Today, little has remained of the formerly Catholic nation. And everything happened within slightly more than three decades.

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It began with the legalisation of divorces by way of referendum in 1986. In a referendum held a few years earlier, in 1983, it was decided by a majority of votes (67:33) that life must be protected since conception under the amendment no. 8 to the Constitution. This amendment is going to be abolished in a referendum scheduled at the end of May. The latest polls show that the result will be entirely different from that in 1983. Why? Mainly because today’s Ireland is, on the one hand, fully impregnated with cultural Marxism and, on the other hand, focused on consumerism as a result of economic prosperity that rapidly advanced in the 1990s and the 2000s. Traditional values have been literally wiped off the surface of the Emerald Island; this is shown most clearly by the results of a referendum held 3 years ago, in which the Irish became the first nation in the world that legalised same-sex marriages by way of voting. The result of the referendum was 62:38 in favour of the change of the definition of the family – and it is worth recalling that homosexual practices were penalised in Ireland until the early 1990s! Today, homosexual marriages are already accepted in this country, and the half-Irish and half-Indian Prime Minister Leo Varadkar from the Christian democratic party Fine Gael is a declared homosexual himself.


Before the referendum on the legalisation of same-sex marriages, international homosexual organisations spent millions of euros to ensure that the referendum ends as desired by them. Because Irish law does not permit citizens to vote in consulates and embassies outside Ireland, plane ticket discounts were introduced on the weekend when the referendum took place so that the largest possible number of Irish people living and working abroad could contribute their votes to help liberate their homeland from “medieval law”, as the traditional family model was called. Today exactly the same methods are practised in the case of the abortion referendum. It is hard to rely on the strict attitude of high-ranking members of the Irish clergy, which actually has no spiritual authority over Irish believers, who massively turned their back on religion for a number of reasons, including sex-abuse scandals among the clergy. When the first referendum in 1983 took place, 90 per cent of the Irish attended Mass every Sunday. Today, slightly more than 30 per cent go to church, but half of priests never bring up “touchy subjects” during sermons so as not to discourage the remaining churchgoers. It is enough to say that quite a large part of priests supported changes before the marriage referendum in 2015, and photographs of families displaying a sticker that expressed support for the cultural revolution in their country were a big hit in the media at that time.

Ireland has become an ideal experimental ground for international organisations that intend to destroy both nations, particularly those with Catholic roots, and traditional social values. Actually the last indicator of Catholicism or conservatism that has remained in Ireland is the protection of life since conception, although the first serious departure from it has already been made in 2013. It was at that time, after a series of people’s tragedies perfectly suited to the needs of the media, the law was changed by introducing the possibility of killing unborn children if their mother’s life is endangered. Obviously, this provision exists merely on paper, because it is quite common for young Irish women to travel to foreign countries for the purpose of carrying out an abortion. Even a few thousand cases are said to occur every year.


The victory of the civilisation of death in the May referendum will not be a complete victory yet. After all, only the killing of children up to 12 weeks since conception will be “legal”, and only in a few specific cases. But we already know that the machine of progress and the forces behind it are not so naive to disclose their ultimate goal already at this stage and they certainly will not stop at that. Today much is being said about the misery of young women, about “freedom”, and it is stressed that modern Ireland cannot stay behind when it comes to women’s rights. The changes of “Draconian” law have already been approved by the UN Human Rights Committee, so now only a miracle could stop the wheel of progress that has been rolling in Ireland for decades.


Is there a chance for this?

Before the referendum, pro-life organisations have been very active on the Internet; moreover, they often organise street campaigns. Some hope may be put in polls according to which nearly 20% of the Irish are still uncertain how to vote. In the case of referendum in 2015, the marriage issue was immediately regarded as a lost cause, because the overwhelming advantage of supporters of progress was visible from the first polls. Even the episcopate of Ireland admitted that the results of these polls made the Church and social organisations hoist a white flag. Even though the final result was almost 20 per cent lower than the first polls, hardly anyone remembers this manipulation today. According to current polls, the advantage is not so overwhelming and the victory of the civilisation of death is not so certain, in spite of its advantage (according to some polls, the proportions are 58% vs. 42% and 62% vs. 38% in favour of change). The ultimate result will most probably depend on those who are still uncertain about their vote. Is it possible to help the Irish in their fight for the protection of life? We can certainly pray for the Irish nation to eventually awaken from the lethargy into which it keeps sinking. Nearly 200,000 Poles living in the Green Island can play their part here, too.


However, if the civilisation of death wins on 25th May, this will be the last straw. And the anti-Christian revolution in Ireland will become accomplished. What will happen to Ireland and the Irish, then? The answer is clear: every nation that abandons its own heritage, tradition and faith and gives in to “modernity” and consumerism is actually a nation without a future.


Paweł Toboła-Pertkiewicz



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