4 września 2019

Solidarity with the archbishop! 55,000 signatures handed to the Archbishop of Krakow

(Sławomir Olejniczak and abp Marek Jędraszewski. FOT.: PCh24.pl )

On Tuesday September 3, Sławomir Olejniczak, the president of the Fr. Piotr Skarga Association of Christian Culture handed an exceptional book of support to Archbishop of Krakow Marek Jędraszewski. It contained the names of fifty-five thousand people who had stood up for the hierarch and expressed their solidarity through the website popierajmy.pl.


During a mass commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski delivered a homily in which he stated that the “red plague”, which had been dangerous in the past, had now been replaced by another equally dangerous “rainbow plague”. After his words the archbishop was subjected to harsh criticism, often biased and even loutish and aggressive.

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Unfortunately, in the attack on the Shepherd of the Catholic Church in Krakow – a papal, royal and university town – the leftist-liberal establishment of politicians and journalists were also joined by representatives of the some of the so-called open Catholics circles.


Reacting to the smear campaign against the archbishop of Krakow, faithful to the truth, the website popierajmy.pl, run by the Association of Christian Culture, launched an action “Stand Firmly behind Archbishop Jędraszewski!” (Murem za arcybiskupem Jędraszewskim!”). Over fifty-five thousand people expressed their solidarity with the hierarch who courageously warned against modern dangers.


The fifty-five thousand names of the people supporting the archbishop were included in an exceptional book of support. On Tuesday, September 3, Sławomir Olejniczak, the President of the Fr. Piotr Skarga Association of Christian Culture handed it to Abp Marek Jędraszewski.


Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski thanked the organizers of the action and the people from Poland and all over the world who had expressed their support for the archbishop of Krakow.




tr. Jan J. Franczak



FOT.:W.CH. / PCh24.pl


FOT.:W.CH. / PCh24.pl


FOT.:W.CH. / PCh24.pl



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