10 lutego 2020

Fraternal correction of the Synodal Path. Ukrainian Bishops call for fidelity to Tradition

(Episkopat Niemiec, zdjęcie ilustracyjne. Fot. Reuters)

The Ukrainian Episcopate Commission for the Family sent their fraternal correction of the Synodal Path to the German Bishops. The letter calls for fidelity to the Holy Scripture and Tradition of the Church. It emphasized that “LGBT circles are carrying out a mass ideological attack”, justifying their activity with the bishops’ stance in Germany.


The Bishops of the Ukrainian Church addressed their fraternal correction to the bishops of the Church in Germany. In their letter they point to a deep crisis in the country of our Western neighbors and emphasize that the German bishops’ stance on some issues is a threat to the faithful in Ukraine. Including their own stance on the issue of homosexuals’ presence in the Church and also their attitude to LGBT ideology and the natural law. The “correctio fraternal” document addressed to the bishops in Germany was signed, among others, by the bishops of the Ukrainian Episcopate Commission for the Family.

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„LGBT circles are carrying out a mass ideological attack against our youth and children in order to corrupt them morally. The aforementioned organizations justify their activities and their propaganda also with the new outlook of the German Episcopate. It hurts us when we see how LGBT propaganda invokes your own wordings to fight with Christianity and also with everyone who recognizes the true anthropology based on the Bible and natural law” – reads the Ukrainian bishops’ letter included in an article by Grzegorz Górny published in wPolityce.pl.


“Some of our faithful, who carry the burden of homosexuality and other wounds in the sexual sphere, learning about such statements of your Commission, feel helpless in their struggle to lead a chaste life,” they say. “Marriages, objecting to the contraceptive mentality of this world and opening to the gift of life, experience deep doubts after reading your opinions about contraception”, the bishops of Ukraine stated.


In their letter on the Synodal Path addressed to the hierarchs in Germany the Ukrainian bishops also mentioned that the faithful of the Catholic Church in Ukraine experienced accusations from other Christians that the Church was departing from the revealed truth. Ukrainian bishops added that the reason for such accusations was the position of the German hierarchs. “They see your stance not as your own private teaching or even separate path of the Church in Germany but as the stance of the whole Catholic Church”, the bishops said.


The bishops, who signed the letter to the German hierarchs, include Bp Radoslav Zmitrovich who emphasized that the Church has a clear teaching on sexual issues which is a better response to the challenges of the modern times than giving in to LGBT proposals and the sexual revolution. 


“The German Commission proposes an opposite direction which destroys human lives. It closes them to the love which was brought by Jesus Christ. Without this love man cannot be happy. Certainly there are always difficulties and falls but the direction is important. It is important if we follow the way which leads people towards living out sexuality as a wonderful gift for a man and a woman to create an agape-caritas relation, which is also a Sacrament, a communion of persons and a gift of new life. Otherwise we are following a path of life in which man is subjected to the power of Eros, which means that he lives without Christ. Lonely and under the power of his own ego and his own passion”, says Bp Zmitrovich in his statement published by wPolityce.pl.


Source: wPolityce.pl


transl: jjf

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