30 stycznia 2018

Chinese communism and European liberalism. Two ideas, one enemy: the Church.

(fot.REUTERS/Claro Cortes IV/FORUM)

President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, set the Communist Party of China a task of Sinification of religion in China. The methods and objectives that the leader of the Asian superpower wants to achieve in this way are alarmingly similar to the plans of European progressives towards the Catholic Church.


For the authorities in Beijing Sinification of religion doesn’t mean “free exchange of thoughts and customs” on the nation-religion line so a given religious group maintains the essential content of its cult by acquiring certain elements of customs cultivated in China for thousands of years. For the Xi Jinping’s team adjusting to local conditions only the form while maintaining the unchanged truths and principles of the faith (as seen by modern Jesuits working in China and trying to achieve inculturation of the Church in Asia) is an unacceptable solution.

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No “native Chinese”, meaning western religious groups, for example, can function in China unless they fully adjust to the requirements specified by the Communist Party. While until now Beijing was only interested in the obedience of administrative nature (e.g.: lack of external financing, independence from foreign centres and not accepting western missionaries), today the Chinese President expects such elements as the teachings, including moral principles, to be adjusted to his own strategy and the programme of the Communist Party of China.


No Catholic can imagine reconciling the interests and “values” of a communist party with Catholic morality – either in the European or Asian conditions. How can the God’s commandment “You shall not kill” be combined with the Chinese one-child policy which is executed through sterilisation and abortion? How can the party’s programme communism be reconciled with Catholic respect for private property despite the recognition of free enterprise zones existing in China? How can every human be treated with dignity and tolerate the regime which trades with human organs stolen from political opponents all at once? Finally, how can the “You shall not steal” commandment be followed and the party under the rule of which the country is drowning in corruption applauded at the same time?


Meanwhile, such an absurd synchronisation of “Catholicism” and Communism was announced by Joseph Liu Xinhong, acting bishop from the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, meaning the state “Church”. – The teachings of the Church have to melt down in the Chinese culture; it has to actively introduce fundamental socialist values into practice; it has to reinforce the socialist system with the Chinese specifics. Only than the true evangelisation will be possible – said bishop Anhui, ordained without the permission of Vatican, during a meeting with the faithful and priests in May 2017. (Tygodnik Powszechny no. 46, 2017).


Implementing Xi Jinping’s expectations was also announced two months later by bishop Joseph Ma Yinglin, also ordained without the Pope’s permission, President of the “Episcopal Conference” recognised by Beijing.


When Chinese Catholics faithful to Rome are suffering persecutions, schismatics faithful to Beijing are planning to use their faith for the Communist party’s purposes. It sounds alarming but also… surprisingly familiar.


Why? Well, after all, right before our eyes, on our continent, progressive groups, including European Communists, the Green Party members, socialists, liberals, some nationalists, Christian Democrats and even pseudo conservatives, can see the Church understood only as a charity organisation in their political agendas. They cannot imagine the Church being a steward of sacraments, a real witness of Jesus Christ and a teacher of God’s truths among different nations. They would accept Catholicism only if its authentic content was replaced by “European values!”


What is worse, enemies of the Faith find allies for their secularising idea in the Church itself! While those hating the Church from outside the Church have existed since the very first days after the Pentecost and people have been fighting with Christ – The Truth and The Life – in the times of His life on earth, the supporters of the Faith’s nationalisation among nominally Catholic faithful and priests is something completely new thing coming from inside the Church and a huge blow at the Church.


The reasons behind such Catholics’ actions can be different but regardless of the motivations among the supporters of the Church deprived of any spiritual content and transformed into a charity organisation or a group of fighters for international peace and democracy, they harm the Mystical Body of Christ. After all, the most important task of the Church is to give the sacraments so much needed in one’s fight to achieve eternal salvation as well as teaching the real Faith.


In order to implement the word of God the Church has to look after those in need but even if it didn’t help the poor it would still remain the Church. The Church should also strive for peace in people’s hearts, in families, in a country and between nations but even if it wasn’t undertaking such initiatives on a large scale it would still be the Church. But if it stopped preaching the Truth and the word of God as well as giving the sacraments it would betray its mission. The mission it was created for.


This is what the enemies of the Faith, both in China and Europe, both communists and liberals, want. It’s time to recognise this striking similarity.


Michał Wałach

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